Assignment #9 - Light Intensity

Let me first mention that Advanced students should continue to work on your documentary on your life during the Covid 19 pandemic.  Based on feedback, the deadline for that assignment will now be set to Monday, May 11th.

Beginning students - We have been studying numerous properties of light necessary to make educated choices about how to light your scenes.  Today we are going to talk about Light Intensity.  Light intensity is a measurement of the quantity of light that is falling on your subject.  This is important for various reasons including making sure that you have enough Baselight (minimum operating light level for your camera), making sure that your lighted scenes are not to dark or "hot" (bright), and for directing the attention of your viewers to certain parts of your scene that you want them to see. 

Please watch this Power Point and then complete the Light Intensity Quick Quiz below the Power Point and turn that in by Monday, May 11th.   

Light Intensity
Quick Quiz

1.               Light intensity is measured in U.S. _________________ or in European _______________.
2.               Most TV cameras need at least _______ FC for good quality pictures.
3.               Why would you use light to emphasize the scene’s center of interest?________________
4.               There are two types of light meters. They are _______________ and __________________.
5.               Incident light meters measure what?  ___________________________________________.
6.               If you needed to reduce the intensity of a light that was 12 feet away from you subject from 400 to 100 foot-candles, you should move the light to a distance of
a.                3 feet
b.               6 feet
c.                24 feet
d.               48 feet
7.               If you were shooting an interior scene with 3,200 degrees K lights and there were windows in the scene, what color plastic could be put over the windows to alter the exterior daylight to match the interior light?
a.                orange
b.               blue
c.                green
d.               violet
8.               Most camera need about how many FC’s of light to operate optimally?  ___________
9.               1 FC = _____ lux.
10.             Name 4 ways you can control light intensity:
____________________                                ____________________
____________________                                ____________________

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