
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Exam for AVTF - Due by Wednesday at 4 p.m.

The picture, above,  has nothing to do with the final exam, but I like this show!  This show has a fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek humor that I like.  The animation is detailed. The characters are well-developed.  There is a strong human element and emphasis on relationships in this show and the kids have the freedom to roam around all over like I remember doing as a child. Anyhow, the final exam is below.  The completed exam is due to me by 4 p.m. on Wednesday.  Please take your time and answer the questions fully, using full sentences and explanations. Don't just answer each question one by one, but try to incorporate your answers in a one-page essay, narrative style.  And, before you start the test, I wanted to tell you all how wonderful it has been to be part of your lives this semester.  I couldn't have asked for a better group of students and I am so disappointed that we didn't get to finish the year in the classroom together.  I want you to have an amazing, and sa

Cinematic Lighting - Final Lesson and Assignment

Beginning Students: This is the final lesson on lighting techniques, and final lesson of the semester, and I get a little more in depth about cinematic, or film, lighting techniques.  I hope you find this Power Point interesting, as I have used frame grabs from movies to illustrate the techniques. Please look at the Power Point and learn the techniques before you attempt the assignment.  Even though you don't have the luxury of our light kits at school, you can be really creative with flashlights, portable garage lights, windows, a reflector built from foil-wrapped cardboard, your phone light, or whatever you have around the house. to create your masterpiece, which is your final video assignment, described below. There are a couple of great websites that explain film lighting that you can check out.

Seniors - Here is your Final Exam

Seniors...please put some thought into answering these questions.  Put the answers in the form of an essay, not just answering the questions, one at a time.  Answer all the questions in your essay.  Be detailed and be descriptive and introspective. Good luck to all of you in your endeavors and please keep in touch with me.  Big hugs and lots of Watson Love to you ALL!   Final Exam  Audio Video Technology & Film II, III, IV Name____________________________ Date_____________________________ Period____________________________ Directions: Write a one-page essay on the following topic.   Answer or address ALL of the following questions in your essay.   You may also talk about any other items you would like to address. Take your time.   Write legibly.   Watch your spelling and grammar and read your essay to yourself after you’re finished to make sure it reads well.   Please think carefully about these questions; don’t just write

Assignment #10 - Lighting Set Up & Ratios (and senior information)

Hi everyone!  Here we are at the homestretch with school and I'm proud of you for all you've done with learning while you have been experiencing this history-making pandemic.  I still miss you terribly and wish things could be different and we could together all be in the classroom, all getting excited about summer vacation and seniors' graduation.  However, here is the next online lesson for my beginning students and final exam instructions for my seniors. First of all, seniors , I will post the final exam tomorrow morning.  Please complete it and email it to me as an attachment at my school email, .  Underclassmen, I will have a final for you later in May. For beginning students, here is your lessons on lighting.  Below are two Power Points.  One is on Lighting Set Up and the other is on Lighting Ratios.  Please go through the presentations first and then complete the worksheet above it.  Turn that in by Tuesday (May 12) afternoon.  

Assignment #9 - Light Intensity

Let me first mention that Advanced students should continue to work on your documentary on your life during the Covid 19 pandemic.  Based on feedback, the deadline for that assignment will now be set to Monday, May 11th. Beginning students - We have been studying numerous properties of light necessary to make educated choices about how to light your scenes.  Today we are going to talk about Light Intensity.  Light intensity is a measurement of the quantity of light that is falling on your subject.  This is important for various reasons including making sure that you have enough Baselight (minimum operating light level for your camera), making sure that your lighted scenes are not to dark or "hot" (bright), and for directing the attention of your viewers to certain parts of your scene that you want them to see.  Please watch this Power Point and then complete the Light Intensity Quick Quiz below the Power Point and turn that in by Monday, May 11th.    Lighting

Assignment # 8 - Color Temperature

Color Temperature is a characteristic of light that we are not always aware of.  Our eyes and brains are able to see colors as they are in every lighting situation, but light gives off color.  Our cameras need to be adjusted in order for them to reproduce color video the same way our brains see the world.  We white balance the cameras (sometimes black balance) in order to give the camera a reference so it can reproduce colors accurately in our final video. Beginning students - Please study the Power Point and learn the concept of Color Temperature and please complete the worksheet below the Power Point and turn that in to me, sharing it with me on Google Docs (turn link sharing ON and be sure to get a "shareable link") or you can email it to me as an attachment.  I will grade it and let you know what you got.  Please turn this in by tomorrow, May 5th. You can also study the website and self test at .  You can click on the TV Production drop down