Hello everyone!

Here is a message from Mrs. Stewart and another one from me.  Please read both all the way through.

From Mrs. Stewart to Parents and Students:

Students and Parents,

This notification is to inform you of the latest information released by the county regarding your child’s grade.  As noted from the district communication, students have a choice to accept their grades as of March 13, 2020 as final grades for the 2019-2020 school year OR Continue to earn grades for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year to improve their grade(s).  We want to clarify that if a student chooses not to participate, perform or actively engage with his/her teacher(s) and they do not take advantage of assignment opportunities, this will result in their final grade being the grade that they had on March 13th.  The only way for the March 13th grade to improve is for the student to submit assignments and participate in the digital learning opportunities made available to him/her by the teacher. 

From me:

I will continue to post assignments, Power Points, video skills websites, and videos, and will continue teaching through the end of the school year.  If you choose to accept your March 13th grade for the remainder of the school year, that doesn't mean you are not allowed to visit any of your teacher's blogs and continue learning.

There is no obligation for you to tell me if you choose to continue or not; I'll assume you are taking your March 13th grade if you don't submit assignments for grading.  Although you are certainly welcome to let me know if you choose to continue or not.  I love hearing from ya'll.

All that being said, I hope you continue to say hello to me from time to time.  I adore all of ya'll and am sad that we can't continue in the classroom, but I hope that we can continue to keep in touch.   This has been one of the best semesters I've ever had as a teacher and am heartbroken that we are in the situation that we are.  However, I am using this time to learn new things, do painting, work on writing my book, cleaning and organizing my home, exercise, talk to friends (over the phone or internet - not in person), edit and shoot videos, garden, spend time with my family and pets, meditate and all the things that I usually don't have time for.  Maybe I'll even post a Tik Tok.  Just kidding...

There has to be a deeper meaning to the universe sending us all to "time out" and I'm sure we will all be changed for the better because of going through this.  Please know that I am always here for you.  Always.   I don't want anyone to feel alone or sad or that you don't have a support system or anywhere to go.  You always have me to turn to.  I promise.  I also am here for you to tell me your successes, happy stories, things that make you laugh, and here just to talk to.

I hope you stay safe next week and your dreams are full of spring break memories.  You can go next year, so don't fret.  Enjoy your week.  Let me hear from you if you are so inclined.  

Biggest hugs to all of you.  It's all going to be okay.  I promise.

Mrs. Watson

(770) 617-3001

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