Assignment #6 for Beginning Students

We've learned about audio and now we are going to switch to the next module and learn about LIGHTING.  It is a real important facet of TV production and film making, and really even photography.  There is a real art to knowing how to light your subjects for a camera.

Let's learn the first concept in understanding and recognizing this complex production value.

Please go through this Power Point on Lighting Coherence/Quality and do the quiz below the Power Point to turn in to me via my email:  Or, you can submit via Google Docs, but just make sure you turn link sharing on and that you get a "shareable link" to send to me.

Thanks!  Enjoy getting to know the first concepts of production lighting!

Light Quality

Hard and Soft Light

Quick Quiz

1.               A descriptive dimension of light that characterizes it hardness or softness is called ____________.
2.               Television is based on the medium of _______________.
3.               This type of light is transmitted directly from a small point source and results in relatively parallel rays.___________________.
4.               This type of light tends to hide surface irregularities and detail. ___________________.
5.               Diffusers are spun glass that is placed over a light to __________________ hard light.
6.               When you reflect light, you get what quality of light?  ____________________.
7.               This type of light casts a sharp, clearly defined shadows.____________________.
8.               Umbrellas, reflectors and bounced light create what type of light? ___________________
9.               Soft lighting is ideal for what kind of photography?  ______________________.
10.            A soft light placed close to the camera minimizes surface detail.  It leaves the subject “dimensionless”.  This effect is commonly called  _________ lighting.
11.            Lighting is referred to as the art of ___________________________.
12.            Most subject matter looks best when illuminated with a light source that ___________________
13.            List the lighting instruments used in “hard” lighting that you learned from the lesson:

14.            List the lighting instruments used in “soft” lighting that you learned from the lesson:

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