Assignment #5 Audio and Earth Day

For Advanced Students:  April 22nd is Earth Day.  Please create a 30-second video Public Service Announcement for Earth Day and how we can take better care of this precious resource we call home.

Here are a couple websites that can help you:

This is due, guessed it...April 22nd!

For Beginning Students
There is so much to learn about audio!  I just wish I could see you all in class so I can demonstrate and show you all that I want you to learn about microphones and audio.  This Power Point will have to do.

Please take a look at (and listen to) this Power Point and then please work on filling out the worksheet below.

Submit the worksheet to me via Google Docs and be sure to turn Link Sharing "On" and get a "shareable link" to send to me.  Otherwise, I won't be able to see your work and grade it.

To get credit, please turn this in to me by Wednesday, April 22nd.

Worksheet on Characteristics of Microphones and Audio


1.                  What are we around every day that we cannot see yet we perceive? 

2.                  What does it mean to have selective hearing? 

3.                  What kind of sound can your microphone pick up that you may not be able to hear?
4.                  In what direction does sound travel?
5.                  What is ambient noise? 
6.                  What are the two main types of microphones (the answer is their pick up patterns)?
7.                  What does an audio mixer allow you to do? 
8.                  What kind of mic is a shotgun mic?
9.                  How can you stop sound waves from bouncing? 
10.              What is the basic principle of recording good audio?
11.              What is a voice over? 
12.              Why is it best to record sound in a room with padded surfaces or in an open space outside rather than up against a wall?
13.              What are the 3 basics for good audio production?
14.              Why do you think that a reporter kneels down to interview children about their decorated bikes?
15.              What is impedence?
16.              What is wild sound?
17.              What is another name for wild sound?  (Not in the video…you should know this from lectures)
18.              Why can’t you use commercially recorded music on your videos?
19.              To use commercially recorded music on your video, you need permission from what 3 people?
20.              How do you make a rain sound effect?
21.              What is an electric current?

22.              What pushes electrons through a wire?

23.              What is compression?  Rarefaction?

24.              What does the diaphragm in a microphone do?

25.              What is another name for a condenser mic?

26.              How do you test a mic?

27.              What do you NEVER do to a mic?

28.              What is one of the most important considerations in deciding what mic to use?

29.              What kind of pick-up-pattern does a shotgun mic have?

30.              When is a Pressure Zone mic (aka Boundary mic) used?

31.              What is the most important factor in the sound quality acquired by your microphone?

32.              What is overmodulation?

33.              What does it make your audio sound like?

34.              What is the flat response of a microphone?

35.              What is frequency response?

36.              You have a committee sitting around a table to discuss a topic.  What type of microphone would you use?

37.              What microphone type is especially effective for picking up sounds from very far away?  (hint:  it is used a lot in sports)

38.              Professional audio cables use a three-pronged connector called what?

39.              The type of microphone that is most appropriate for voice pickup of a four-member news team (two anchors, a weathercaster, and a sportscaster) is what?

40.              A shotgun microphone attached to a long pole is called a ___________ mic.

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