How To Turn in Assignments and Why It Is Important to Keep Up with Work

By far the best way to turn assignments in to me is to share them with me from your Google Drive (using Google Docs, etc.).

HOWEVER, if you do that, be sure to turn link sharing on and be sure to send to me a "shareable link".  Otherwise, I have to ask you for permission to view your video/document and that's a hassle for you and for me.  It adds an extra step.

If I can't see your video, I've sent you a note saying that and I need you to turn sharing on and grant me permission. 

If it's a worksheet, share it with me on Google Docs or scan it and email it to me as an attachment.  I will grade it and give you that grade.  For beginning students, you have a worksheet that is due by Friday, March 27th.  Please keep up.

EVERYONE....It is incredibly important that you keep up with your work that we, as teachers, assign. 

For me and my students, as you know, there is no way to work in groups right now, that means that I have to grade 120 individual videos, not 20 group videos.  That puts a hardship on me if you wait to the last minute to turn things in.  Please be considerate of us teachers and the hard work we are doing to keep you engaged and up to speed on your lessons.  Unfortunately, we had only one day to prepare to work from home and it was a day when we were also expected to teach students, so there is prep time and grading time involved for us and it's not just as simple as writing a blog post or an Edmodo message.

Thanks for being considerate, for doing your work, for turning your work in and for hanging in there during this difficult time.  I want to be a cheerleader for you and tell you that it will all turn out okay and we all hope to be back to school before the end of the year, but of course, we don't know what will happen. Stay in contact with me, watch for follow up message from me and stay on your work!

New assignment (assignment #4) will go up Sunday evening, March 29th.

Still missing you all...
Mrs. Watson

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