Assignment #4

Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

As we start another week of online learning, please remember to keep up with the work and the deadlines.  If it helps you, I'm going to make this next assignment due Friday, April 3, and that will give you plenty of time to complete it.

Beginning students (2nd and 4th block):  Keep up with your notes, study guides for the test on cameras, framing, hand signals, etc. as we keep learning new concepts.  This time, audio.

1.  Please go through this Power Point on Audio Loudness vs. Frequency.  There is a narration of my voice that goes with it, so as you watch it (and TAKE NOTES), pay attention to the things I say that may not be on the PPt. that are concepts and definitions that you need to know.

2.  Also, you will need to complete this quiz on audio and turn it in via Google Docs or Office 365.  If you have questions about how to do this, please ask.  (I'm not sure why my documents look like this)

Audio Quiz    
Name_________________   Period______

_____1. Loudness is measured in:
A. Decibels   B. Frequency C. Hertz   D. Cycles per Second 

_____2. The definition of Frequency is: 
A. How loud a sound is   B. How annoying a sound is   C. Whether or not a dog can hear it   D. How high or low of a pitch the sound is 
_____3. The average human can hears sounds in this frequency range:
A. 20 – 20,000 Hz   B. 50 – 15,000 Hz C. 10 – 25,000 Hz  D. 5 – 10,000 Hz 
_____4. The pitch range for television broadcasting falls in this range: 
A. 20 – 20,000 Hz     B. 50 – 15,000 Hz C. 10 – 25,000 Hz     D. 5 – 10,000 Hz 
_____5. A pre-amp is designed to:
A. Tone down audio signals      B. Amplify audio signals C. Eliminate audio signals     D. Change audio signals 
_____6. Sound Pressure Loudness is: 
A. Measured in dbSPL      B. Acoustic power of sound or sound waves     C. Millawatt reference levels D. Both A and B 

_____7. What is Millawatt reference levels? 
A.. Acoustic power of sound or sound waves   B. The electric power of sound C. Measured by a VU meter     D. Both A and C 

_____8. At what decibel reading do you have the “Threshold of Pain” 
A. 20 dB      B. 75 dB C. 135 dB      D. 200 dB 
______9. What is the Threshold of Pain? 
A. Your ability to hear loud sounds      B. Your ability to withstand pain C. The point at which you sustain hearing damage from loud sounds      D. The ability to hear a dog whistle 
_____10. Bad audio will... 

A. Confuse your viewer      B. Distract your viewer from your video      C. Ruin the message that your video intended to convey      D. All of the above 

Advanced students (1st and 3rd block):  Please keep your assignments coming to me by deadline.  Because I'm grading 120 projects instead of, say 50 (group projects), it creates a hardship on me if you don't adhere to deadlines.  If you think you might have technical issues, please start your project in enough time to address any technical problems before deadlines.  Thanks.

1.  Please complete this Employability quiz and share it with me on Google Docs or Office 365. You can just copy and paste it into a new Word document and email it to me as an attachment.

1.     Which email handle best represents a proper professional email for business applications?

2.     You are having a professional conversation and your phone goes off – what is appropriate?
a.     Look at it immediately
b.     Excuse yourself from the conversation to check your phone
c.     Say “excuse me” and check your phone
d.     Wait until the end of the conversation and then check your phone

3.     What’s the proper introduction to a professional email?
a.     “Good morning/afternoon/evening,”
b.     “How’s it going?”
c.     “Let me tell you something,”
d.     “Here’s what’s going on,”

4.     You have a disagreement at work with one person. How do you initiate contact to resolve the issue with that co-worker?
a.     Tell them they’re wrong
b.     Ignore them
c.     Ask for a different work placement from your boss
d.     Speak one on one using calm and tactful language

5.     You’re required to correct your work, and you think it’s perfect. What do you do?
a.     Listen to all criticism and make adjustments
b.     Listen to all criticism and make no changes
c.     Listen to criticism and defend your work and point-of-view
d.     Don’t listen at all – your work is already perfect

6.     What does it mean to be on time to work?
a.     Five minutes early
b.     Exactly on time
c.     Five minutes late
d.     When you’re ready

7.     Examples of appropriate dress include…
a.     Tucked-in top
b.     Long socks / stockings
c.     Closed-toe dress shoes
d.     All of the Above

8.     When you greet someone in a professional setting, you should always start with
a.     A handshake
b.     A smile
c.     Stating your name
d.     All of the Above

9.     How do you designate which tasks to complete first, second, so-forth?
a.     Choose the ones that are the biggest priority for others
b.     Choose the ones that are due in order of due date
c.     Choose the ones that are the biggest priority for you
d.     Choose the ones that best fits your schedule

10.  What conditions negatively impact productivity at work?
a.     Personal cell phone use
b.     Planner/Organizer use
c.     Conversations with co-workers
d.     Conversations with bosses

2.  We are going to start working on your resume and demo reel.  The demo reel will have to wait until we get back to school, so for now I want you to start on the first step in creating your resume.  I want you to list as many skills, accomplishments, awards, volunteer or other experiences that you can.  Think of everything from AVTF leadership positions, to travel that you've done, to awards that you've won at school or from other organizations, participation in Scouts, volunteering, clubs, after school activities, skills that you've mastered and so on.  Nothing is off limits.  We can eliminate some things that won't fit in to your resume later.  For now, list as much as you can.

Make sure that you put the dates that you received the awards or the span of time that you've been involved in any activities.

Please list them according to these categories:
Awards (year and for what)
Accomplishments (year and for what)
Volunteer (years and for what organization doing what)
Clubs and Organizations (years and what organization
Skills (what is the skill and how did you learn it and why you got interested in it)
Leadership Positions (years held, for what organization/club and what were your responsibilities)

Share this with me on Google Docs or Office 365 as well.

Happy studying!

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