Another update....good news!

Hi everyone!

I have two bits of information that you need to know.

First of all, for my level III and IV students, the Georgia Department of Education has suspended requirements for the End of Pathway Exam.  There is no way to give the test so you won't be taking the test this year.

Second, and this is for all  my students:  Adobe has agreed to make available the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for all teachers and students while they are home.  Yay!  As long as you have a phone or computer, you can edit. 

For my beginning students, since I have not taught you how to edit, Premiere Pro may be too complicated, but please try.  I can send you information on how to set up your computer and import/export video.

In order to access the Creative Cloud apps, go to this site:

Note from IT professional:  It is important to emphasize that the students and teachers use their district Office 365 account when logging into the Adobe website at Steps 1 & 2.  

Here is a tutorial on how to log in.  The video is specific to Adobe Rush, but I assume that you can also log on to Premiere Pro.

Have fun!

Stay tuned in to my blog and turn in your videos to me by Sunday.  (Still trying to figure out how to get my video to upload for you)  I will be giving you your next assignment on Monday.

Mrs. Watson

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