Seniors - Here is your Final Exam

Seniors...please put some thought into answering these questions.  Put the answers in the form of an essay, not just answering the questions, one at a time.  Answer all the questions in your essay.  Be detailed and be descriptive and introspective.

Good luck to all of you in your endeavors and please keep in touch with me.  Big hugs and lots of Watson Love to you ALL!


Final Exam 

Audio Video Technology & Film II, III, IV


Directions: Write a one-page essay on the following topic.  Answer or address ALL of the following questions in your essay.  You may also talk about any other items you would like to address.

Take your time.  Write legibly.  Watch your spelling and grammar and read your essay to yourself after you’re finished to make sure it reads well.  Please think carefully about these questions; don’t just write something down.

Sum up your experience in Audio Video Technology & Film class:

1.              What one video project that you did this year are you most proud of and why?

2.              What did you learn while doing that project?

3.              What did you learn in this class that you didn’t know at the beginning of the semester?

4.              What would you have liked to learn or do during this semester in this class?

5.              Name two other video projects that you did this year that you are proud of and what did you learn from the experience?

6.              What did you learn about your skills when doing your videos from home because of the pandemic?

7.              Is there anything else you would like to share with me?            

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