Final Exam for AVTF - Due by Wednesday at 4 p.m.

The picture, above,  has nothing to do with the final exam, but I like this show!  This show has a fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek humor that I like.  The animation is detailed. The characters are well-developed.  There is a strong human element and emphasis on relationships in this show and the kids have the freedom to roam around all over like I remember doing as a child.

Anyhow, the final exam is below.  The completed exam is due to me by 4 p.m. on Wednesday.  Please take your time and answer the questions fully, using full sentences and explanations. Don't just answer each question one by one, but try to incorporate your answers in a one-page essay, narrative style. 

And, before you start the test, I wanted to tell you all how wonderful it has been to be part of your lives this semester.  I couldn't have asked for a better group of students and I am so disappointed that we didn't get to finish the year in the classroom together.  I want you to have an amazing, and safe, and socially-distant summer.  Please don't waste one moment of your summer.  Make the best of it despite the virus and the restrictions we have on ourselves right now.  Keep in touch.  Shoot me an email and let me know how you're doing or just to say hello.  Soon enough, we will be back in the classroom together again.  Love to all of my students!!!  You all are the BEST.  Big air hugs!

Mrs. Watson

Final Exam - Corona Virus Edition
Audio Video Technology & Film I, II, III, IV


Directions: Write a one-page essay on the following.  Answer or address ALL of the following questions in your essay.  You may also talk about any other items you would like to address.

Take your time.  Write legibly.  Watch your spelling and grammar and read your essay to yourself after you’re finished to make sure it reads well.  Please think carefully about these questions; don’t just write something down.

Sum up your experience in Audio Video Technology & Film class:

1.              What one video project (that you did this semester) are you most proud of and why?

2.              What did you learn while doing that project?

3.              What did you learn in this class that you didn’t know at the beginning of the semester?

4.             If you were to write a one-sentence lead about the pandemic's affect on school for you, what would it be?

6.              What did you learn about your skills when doing your videos from home because of the pandemic?

7.              While it is easy to think of all the things we lost in this pandemic and by not finishing the semester together, what are the things you gained, personally, by isolating at home?

8.         If you were to direct a movie on the pandemic, what kind of lighting would you choose for the majority of the movie?  (for example, hard lighting with lots of shadows, diffused overhead lighting, uplighting, spot lighting, etc.)

9.        What would the theme of your movie be on the pandemic?  (all about loss, the benefits of being isolated, the scientific gains and setbacks, how education has been affected, how businesses have been affected, or something else you come up with, etc.)

10.      What kind of musical mood would you set with your movie?  (light-hearted, dark and foreboding, pensive and thought-provoking, easy listening, etc.)

11.      What show have you gotten totally into during your isolation?  In what ways, after taking this class, do you watch TV and movies differently?  What production values do you like best about it?  (See my description of Bob's Burgers, above.)

12.            Describe what it has been like to learn online without seeing your teachers or your friends.  How have you felt during this time?

13.      Describe what it has been like for your family.

14.      Tell me what you miss most about the AVTF class.

15.      Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

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